Thursday, December 26, 2013

What an awesome Christmas!

How was your Christmas?  Mine was awesome!  I got soooooo many presents.  Some really cool stuff and of course some cloths but that's OK I kinda like getting cloths especially if some of them have glitter on them!
But what I liked the best was getting to be with my family!
Oh and Daisy got stuff too!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Santa's on his way!

I'm super duper excited Santa will be here soon.  I'm going to try and stay awake to meet him.  I saw him when I had my picture taken but I want to see him come down the chimney.  We're baking cookies for him and we got carrots for Rudolf and we made reindeer food too.  The reindeer food has glitter and oats so Rudolf can see my house when he's flying.  Mom wanted to make sugar cookies but I said everybody likes chocolate chip.  Besides if Santa doesn't eat them all that leaves more for me!
Merry Christmas! I hope you get lots of presents!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Today is December 5th

Today is December 5th - you know what that is, I mean other than Thursday?  It's Daisy's Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to by best friend in the whole wide world - Daisy my dog.