Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pop - Pop - Pop Corn

I love popcorn, don't you?  Sometimes when I get home from school my parents say I can have snack before dinner.  But they say it should be healthy!  I'm so excited to find out that popcorn is healthy.  AND I can make that by myself.  What's really awesome is I can make my very own microwave popcorn.  Not the kind that you buy in the store but my very own.

All you have to do is put 1/2 cup of popcorn in a small brown paper bag (the kind that you take your lunch in)  Fold the top of the bag over 2 or 3 times and then you put it in the microwave.

Our Microwave has a button for popcorn but it took a little while longer.  So now I push the buttons for 3 minutes and just listen for when the popping is almost finished.  And Presto just like magic (I like magic)  my very own microwave popcorn!


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